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Practical Sigil Magic is widely regarded as the definitive guide to the topic. Unavailable for a number of years and long sought-after by magicians, this classic work is now available once again.


Sigil magic is one of the most efficient and economical of magical disciplines. It can be performed without complicated rituals or paraphernalia, is independent of philosophical and dogmatic premises, and can be learned easily and quickly. Most important, it will give even beginning magicians the chance to work with the power of the Will and enhance their own abilities. This classic reference work will provide magicians—from novice to adept— with instruction that will empower and advance their magical practice.

Practical Sigil Magic: Creating Personal Symbols for Success - By Frater U∴D∴

SKU: BK0106
  • Frater U∴D∴ (Belgium), founder of Pragmatic and Ice Magic, is Europe's best known practical magician and contemporary occult author. He has written more than twenty-five books. Among his translations are the books of Peter Carroll and Ramsey Dukes, and Aleister Crowley's Book of Lies.

  • Inventory is updated regularly. Items out of stock are indicated when known. Not all manufacturers provide inventory data and even in stock items can be sold out without notice. We will notify you of any out of stock items as soon as possible or you can contact us in advance to verify availability. 

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