Poppets have long been a part of the practice of sympathetic magick for literally thousands of years. In fact, magicians in ancient Egypt used them. They're still popular today with practitionerss for rituals of healing, protection, prosperity, and other needs. You can make your own, but we make it easy for you.
Poppet (Felt) 4 Colors - Priced Individually
'The Old Ways' is Sarah's personal, handcrafted line of products that includes ritual candles, magickal sprays and several other utilitarian metaphysical items.
Pursuant to the current State and Federal laws, Terra Blue is prohibited to make any claim as to the effectiveness either magickal or medicinal of any of our products.
While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only"