Sarah McDavid
Folks say "Sarah's Place" almost as often as they say Terra Blue when referring to Sarah McDavid's shop on South Elm Street in Greensboro, NC. Sarah left her job as an X-ray technician in 2000 to pursue her dream of applying her metaphysical knowledge and spiritual gifts professionally. In the years since she has meticulously grown and cultivated the store.
Unlike many practitioners of the Craft, Sarah does not boast of being a hereditary witch despite having an ancestor who was actually tried for being one in the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692. She got off. Maybe she was a real witch. Outside of Terra Blue, Sarah applies her 25 years of practical pagan experience as the Chancellor of a Celtic Spirituality group called House of Akasha.
Even in her merchant role, Sarah prides herself on being a provider of divine inspiration and guidance first and foremost. Her approach has helped create a solid reputation in the pagan community throughout NC and beyond.