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Size: 1" avg.


Chakras: All, Especially The Earth and Root (Base) Chakra

Zodiac: Libra


Because of its powerful ability to clear negativity, Black Tourmaline is a key component in everyday cleansing rituals. Enhance its energy purification powers when you combine Black Tourmaline with sea salt in a negativity removal jar.


Black Tourmaline is also a powerful protector against energy vampires, helping to put boundaries between yourself and others. Black Tourmaline jewelry worn on the body is a reminder that there's a line that can never be crossed, which keeps bad energy from getting into your psyche.


Tourmaline is known to aid in relieving stress, increase mental alertness, improve circulation and strengthen the immune system. It helps detoxification. Supports fat loss. Reduces water retention. Improves circulation. Supports the liver and kidneys. Promotes a healthy mood. Helps eliminate toxic metals. Reduces lactic acids and free fatty acids.


* Exact size and appearance varies from stone to stone.

Tourmaline, Black, Rough (Small)

SKU: SC0212
  • The information provided here is for entertainment and reference purposes only. It is based on centuries of folklore, most of which came about before the age of modern medicine. It is not meant as actual medical information. For advice about any of the illnesses listed, please visit a qualified physician.

  • Inventory is updated regularly. Items out of stock are indicated when known. Not all manufacturers provide inventory data and even in stock items can be sold out without notice. We will notify you of any out of stock items as soon as possible or you can contact us in advance to verify availability. 

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